Retreat w/ Swami Sarvadevananda, Swami Tyagananda, Swami Atmajnanananda June 11-13

We are happy to have these three swamis for another retreat here at Ridgely. Swami Sarvadevananda is the Head Minister of the Vedanta Society of So. Calif. Swami Tyagananda is the Head Minister of the Ramakrishna Vedanta Society of Boston. Swami Atmajnanananda is the Resident Minister of the Vedanta Center of Greater Washington DC.

The topic for this retreat is not finalized yet. Here is the schedule:

June 11 7:30-8:30pm. Session 1

June 12 10:30-5pm. Sessions 2 and 3 (lunch included)

June 13 10-11am Session 4


All are welcome to attend all or part of this retreat. There are limited spaces available for overnight guests. If you wish to reserve an overnight stay please do so ASAP. These spaces will fill quickly.

Day attendees need to register as well. For the purpose of providing lunch, we need to know how many people will be present.

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