Nov. 8-9 Retreat w/ Swami Sarvadevananda and Swami Atmajnanananda on Inner Peace

Join us for a 2-day retreat on finding inner peace, a topic we chose specifically because of election day! Here is the schedule:

Nov. 8 10:30 -4:00

10:30-12:30   Swami Sarvadevananda-talks on finding inner peace, session 1

12:30 Lunch

2-4  Session 2

Nov. 9 10:30-4:00

10:30 Swami Atmajnanananda-talks on finding inner peace

12 noon- mini puja in honor of the goddess Jagaddhatri

1pm  Lunch

2-4 final session w/ both swamis

As always, there is no fee for the retreat unless you wish to stay overnight. Please remember that we require several days notice for overnight stays and that we cannot accommodate children under the age of 17.

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