Ridgely in the New York Times

On December 12, 2008, Ridgely was featured in the New York Times, in an extensive article about ashrams and retreats in the New York Area by Shivani Vohra.  This post contains a small excerpt, and you can find the link to the full article below:

It began at 4:30 on a Saturday morning.
The three dozen participants started out with two half-hour meditation sessions before dawn. They then spent the next two hours doing what’s called work practice, which consisted of scrubbing toilets and raking leaves, all in silence. . . (which led to more meditation, cleaning the . . . dishes, and sleeping in dorm-style accommodations.) Sunday was an abbreviated version of the day before.
. . . Perhaps what was the most unusual aspect of this austere weekend . . . was that many of the attendees were not adherents of Eastern religious practices, but were part of an increasing number of nonbelievers who are seeking stress-free, spiritual and often inexpensive weekend breaks at local ashrams (isolated communities formed around a guru who follows Hindu philosophy) and Buddhist monasteries (residences for monks).
. . . the rigorous agenda over the . . . weekend actually left him refreshed. “It wasn’t fun in the traditional sense, but it was the opposite of my life in New York City and a return to a very uncomplicated way of living,” he said. “It gave me the rest and relaxation I was looking for.”


You can find the full text here.

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