The Vivekananda Retreat, Ridgely, founded in 1997, is a residential retreat dedicated to preserving and continuing the universal teachings of Swami Vivekananda. The 82 acre retreat provides opportunities to deepen one’s personal spiritual practice in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, visit an historical location associated with the life of Swami Vivekananda, and access a living spiritual tradition established by Swami Vivekananda and his teacher, the Indian saint, Sri Ramakrishna. Retreatants are welcome for day visits and extended stays. |
News Flash… |
VIVEKANANDA RETREAT IS OPEN. Please call us to schedule a visit. As we do not have someone designated to give tours, please call a day in advance to schedule a tour. Please give us at least % days advance notice if you wish to stay overnight. We will not be accepting work/study positions over the summer. The places have already been filled. We are open on a daily basis from 9-7. Please be aware that we do close promptly at 7pm unless we are having an evening program.
Labor Day Weekend Retreat Sept. 6-7 Swami Sridharananda and Swami Yogatmananda- Topic to be Announced We are thrilled to welcome Swami Sridharananda and Swami Yogatmananda together for our Labor Day retreat. Swami Sridharananda is making a final visit to the US and will be the main speaker as his health permits. Swami Sridharananda is a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order. He currently serves as the Head of the Vedanta Centre of Sydney, Australia. Swami Yogatmananda is also a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order. He currently serves as the Head of the Vedanta Society of Providence, RI. Here is a tentative schedule for the weekend. The details of the retreat have not been finalized and are subject to change. We may add or delete sessions later. Sunday and Monday will be the main days of the retreat, so we hope you will set those days aside to attend. Sunday, Sept. 6 9:30-5:30 retreat sessions with lunch included The topic will be announced later and the speakers will decide how they will divide the time. Monday, Sept. 7 9:30-noon retreat sessions PLEASE NOTE: THERE ARE NO OVERNIGHT SPACES LEFT FOR THIS RETREAT. If you need accommodation you will have to book a motel room in Kingston NY, a 15 minute drive from Ridgely. Please let us know if you intend to do so. IF YOU ARE GOING TO ATTEND THE RETREAT AS A DAY VISITOR PLEASE RSVP: 845 687-4574